Fathers in Affirmation Retreat

Greetings fathers, going to be fathers and would like to be fathers! The Fathers in Affirmation group will be holding their annual retreat March 23-25, 2018!
We have a great program planned that will edify and uplift your spirit, mind, and body. The retreat will be held in Lehi, UT at the home of Troy and Ryan Mitchell-Hales. Other local fathers will be opening up their homes to our guests for those from out of town.
Space is limited so if you would like to attend please contact Troy Mitchell either on Facebook or email at [email protected].
We hope you will consider joining us. Cost is $75 to cover food and snacks. Should you wish to stay at a hotel there are several nice hotels within minutes of our home. We hope to see you soon!
Send your question or comment to the event organizer.