Affirmation Brazil fights against all the evils that plague our LGBTQ+ Mormon community, with the Symposium on Suicide Prevention being no different.
I have found another mission and opportunity to serve. I have been able to live with a new spiritual authenticity. For the last ten years, I have been holding the hands of those who have struggled like I did. I have been an advocate for equality, inclusion, diversity, and human rights.
I did not feel alone, I felt sustained and surrounded by the arms of love and that sincere people are willing to give us their support when we need it.
Como Padre, algunas veces te puedes sentir inadecuado. Aunque puede que no siempre sepas cómo responder a los desafíos que los hijos enfrentan, nunca se arrepentirá de acercarse a ellos con amor y entendimiento.
I remember entering the Metropolitan Church on Castro’s Eureka Street, where the Affirmation meeting was happening. A full battle was raging inside me. One side said, “Leave now!” and the other side said “Stay!” as I slowly walked up the stairs to the second floor.
Escrito por: Spencer Mickelson Traducido por: David Mans A menudo, cuando me encuentro escuchando música, mirando por la ventana, perdido en mis pensamientos, me pregunto cómo los pioneros se…
Danny & I just gave an opening keynote to the largest audience to date (650 people!). It turns out it was one of the most amazing, holy, spiritual experiences of our entire lives. Preparing to speak there was some of the most important work we’ve ever done.
Affinity Sessions are a way for LGBTQIA+/SSA Mormons to gather for support and discussion with others who share a common identity and/or life experience. This year we are offering two…