Marriage Equality
I’m mad at all the hurt this has caused, only for it to all be undone 4 years later. I really wish the policy wasn’t put in place in the first place.
Aunt Barbara was tremendously blessed at the end of her life to be able to marry another man after the death of her first husband. Nobody would argue her second marriage was not beneficial, but I can’t help but think of how characteristics of it mirror marriages some call “counterfeit.”
Loving ourselves as we are is the path of happiness that we must follow. We all have divine potential, and if we look beyond our imperfections, we will know that we are truly perfect as we are.
I feel distant, but at the same time not, from the church. I feel far away in the physical sense, not knowing sometimes how to introduce my husband, but close because I am with my Heavenly Father, and being close to Him unites me with the church and unifies my marriage.