Line upon line, God taught me to be more comfortable with my queerness. Then, one miraculous day, I was ready to learn the greatest truth of all about my queerness.
Loving ourselves as we are is the path of happiness that we must follow. We all have divine potential, and if we look beyond our imperfections, we will know that we are truly perfect as we are.
I wish that they would understand that my desire is simple. I want to serve in the Gospel and I want to love someone like me. Why is it so difficult for them to understand?
We can study and bring to pass for ourselves a life full of progress, and we can help bring this message of hope to others who need it, including leaders, parents and children
The great temptation in my life has been to prematurely resolve the great problems quickly and easily in one direction or another. But there have been profound moments in my life when I have been forced to acknowledge, like Moses, “Now, for this cause I know that man is nothing, which thing I never had supposed.”
español | português “What I witnessed in Mexico City convinced me that the Lord is teaching us the meaning of true love”
From the time he was young, Nicolle Huang knew he wanted to be a pilot. He also knew he was gay, but he kept that to himself.
Affirmation Launches Facebook Group for Individuals in or Seeking Same-sex Relationships, Who Wish to Stay Active in the Church.