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Take The Affirmation Book of Mormon Challenge

Collage de Afirmación 2018

July 20, 2014


By Peter van der Walt

239 Chapters. To change your life. To work through things – spiritually. To expand your knowledge, your experience, your religious walk and your horizons.

Religious people often quote scripture ‘at’ others. This isn’t that kind of challenge.

People debate the worth of religious texts – with some looking for historic or scientific accuracy – and others denying scriptures have any use at all. This isn’t that kind of challenge, either.

Instead, Affirmation invites you to join us in the Book of Mormon Challenge. One chapter a day.

To sign up for the challenge, you will be asked to READ the chapters… and then apply your mind to consider the implications, search for and refine meaning and PONDER the significance of the chapters you’ve covered. And finally, you will be asked to keep a PRAYER journal that you will use alongside your daily reading and meditation.

You are welcome to share these thoughts in the posts on the Group Wall.

Less than a year – about 8 months – and you will have read, considered and prayed while reading the Book of Mormon – not for scholarly or historicity debate or dogmatic purposes but for your self. For your own spiritual path.

SIGN UP by joining the Book of Mormon Challenge Facebook group here.



– Provide a framework to increase your first hand knowledge of the Restoration’s founding scripture
– Deepen and enrich your personal spiritual walk
– Make scripture study, meditation and prayer part of your daily routine
– Allow you to discuss, compare, contrast and thoroughly explore the meaning and power of the Book of Mormon
– Give you first hand, direct, personal spiritual experience

1 Nephi, Chapter 1 starts on Monday, July 21!

THERE ARE MANY PLATFORMS where the Book of Mormon is studied and discussed from a scholarly, apologetic or critical point of view. This Challenge is specifically for people who choose to study the Book of Mormon from a personal and spiritual point of view.


  1. Joshua Darquea on July 25, 2014 at 7:22 PM

    I would like to participate :).

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