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Donate to Affirmation

Your donation will support local Affirmation community activities and conferences throughout Latin America.

2023 Affirmation Mexico at Pride-2

For many years, Affirmation has invested significantly in maintaining and growing chapters throughout Latin America. Today, these are some of the most active chapters in Affirmation, but the financial support of these chapters now outpaces our ability to fund their requests from the General Fund.

Moving forward, it's important that the amount invested in Affirmation communities, activities, and conferences in Latin America be sustainable and reflect the level of support for this work by donors like you.

This year, we hope to raise $15,000 to support Affirmation communities, activities, and conferences in Latin America.

By donating to the Latin America Area Fund, you directly support local Affirmation community activities and conferences throughout Latin America.

Thank you for donating to the Latin America Area Fund.

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