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Circling the wagons: Our communities of safety, love, and hope are as vital now as ever
We must now, again, with our allies, “circle the wagons” to protect those we love and our freedom. The communities we build are as vital now as they ever have been. With our mission of creating communities of safety, love, and hope, Affirmation’s communities can be a space of refuge for you in these challenging and uncertain times.

Summary and recordings from 2024 Affirmation International Conference available
The 2024 Affirmation International Conference was held from October 11th through the 13th at the Ogden Eccles Conference Center in Ogden, Utah. This was the 45th annual meeting or conference of Affirmation since the first in 1979 in Los Angeles, California. A summary of the conference and recordings in English and Spanish from all plenary and select breakout sessions is now available.

Video: Nathan Kitchen presented with the 2024 Affirmation Mortensen Award
Nathan Kitchen, former president of Affirmation and author of The Boughs of Love: Navigating the Queer Latter-day Saint Experience During an Ongoing Restoration, is the recipient of the 2024 Affirmation Mortensen Award. The award winner was announced at the 2024 Affirmation International Conference in Ogden, Utah. Laurie Lee Hall, 2023 winner, presented the award. Other nominees included Wesley Acastre and Joel McDonald.

Frederick Bowers and Luis Alberto Rincón de la Cruz seek to be next Affirmation president
Ballots will be sent to voting members of Affirmation on November 12 to elect the next president, either Frederick Bowers and Luis Alberto Rincón de la Cruz. This election is the regular election for president of Affirmation. The winner will serve from January 1, 2025, until December 31, 2026. Those wishing to vote in this election must be voting members by November 11.

Affirmation Hosting Meeting to Provide Support After Church Handbook Changes
Affirmation is partnering with Flourish Therapy volunteers to host a virtual meeting of support for those impacted by recent changes to the General Handbook of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The meeting is open to all seeing support or to better understand the impact of these changes. Registration is required to attend. Interpretation in English, Spanish, and Portuguese is being provided.

Honoring the Legacy of James Kent, Former Executive Director of Affirmation and Mortensen Award Recipient

Announcement of Election Results for Affirmation Leadership

Join us on Giving Tuesday: Together we can make a difference today!

Affirmation to Join Giving Tuesday on December 3, 2024

Frederick Bowers, 2024 Candidate Statement

Luis Alberto Rincón de la Cruz, 2024 Candidate Statement
Our Mission
Affirmation creates worldwide communities of safety, love, and hope and promotes understanding, acceptance, and self-determination of individuals of diverse sexual orientations, gender identities and expressions. We affirm the inherent self-worth of LGBTQIA+ individuals as complete, equal, and valuable persons and support them as they define their individual spirituality and intersection with The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.