Affirmation Presidential Election

The position of president is the only position in Affirmation elected by all voting members of the organization. The president appoints two vice presidents, and these three people form an Executive Committee that conducts the business of Affirmation along with the Board of Directors and a large expanded team of volunteers.

For more information, please review the Affirmation Charter & Bylaws.

2024 Election Timeline

September 16th: Call for candidates published on the Affirmation website, emailed to Affirmation subscribers, and published to Affirmation's primary social media channels.

October 11th: Deadline for candidates to formally declare their candidacy. The declaration should be made using the form on this page. The declaration must include their proposed vice presidents. The declaration may include a brief statement from the candidate and a photo to be published. Declarations must be submitted by 11:59 PM Mountain Time.

October 12th: Declared candidates announced during the Affirmation International Conference.

October 20th: Declared candidates will be published on the Affirmation website, in Affirmation Messenger (or dedicated email), and on Affirmation's primary social media.

October 25th: Deadline for candidates to submit articles about their candidacy for publication on the Affirmation website, e-newsletter, and social media.

October 27th: Submitted articles from candidates about their candidacy will be published on the Affirmation website, e-newsletter, and social media.

November 11th: Deadline for prospective voters to ensure they are a voting member of Affirmation. You can use the member dashboard to check your membership information.

November 13th: An electronic ballot will be sent to every voting member of Affirmation via email. Voting will be open for two weeks.

November 27th: Voting closes at 11:59 PM Mountain Time.

December 3rd: Election committee will meet to tally and certify the election results to the Executive Committee and Board of Directors.

December 8th: Board ratification of President-elect’s nominees for Senior Vice President and President.

December 10th:Election results published will be on the Affirmation website, e-newsletter (or dedicated email), and social media.

Note: Ballots were sent a day later than originally scheduled. The window for voting was also extended by one day.

Declarations from candidates must be submitted by October 11th, 11:59 PM Mountain Time.