Search Results: reparative therapy

Former Ex-Gay Spokesman Condemns “Reparative Therapy”

May 14, 2013 |

“I see LGBT people for who they are–beloved, cherished children of God”

Affirmation Member Helps Bring National Attention to “Conversion Therapy”

December 1, 2012 |

In a historic case which received national media attention, Affirmation member Sam Wolfe is helping bring a lawsuit against an organization that claims to convert people from gay to straight.

Illustration of head, colorful, thoughtful.

Moving Beyond “It’s Not a Choice” as a Defense for LGBTQ+ Identities

March 23, 2023 |

“It’s not a choice” no longer has to be a defense of queerness and can instead be one of many ways of coming to and explaining a sexual and/or gender identity. This linguistic and conceptual shift is not only more inclusive and affirming of those who frame their queer identities in more agentic and experimental ways, but it also makes the question of whether a sexual or gender identity is “chosen” increasingly irrelevant.

BYU Visit Smoot Admin Building

Affirmation president’s efforts to improve relations between BYU and LGBTQ community

February 25, 2020 |

You can claim change when any privileges available to heterosexual people are available to homosexual people and any privileges available to cisgender people are available to transgender and gender non-binary people. Until then, we all have work to do for our marginalized population of LGBTQ students.

La relación entre la Iglesia mormona y Afirmación: «Es complicado»

The Mormon and Affirmation Relationship: It’s Complicated

July 22, 2019 |

From the beginning, Affirmation has been a community inclusive of all voices and viewpoints from those at the crossroads of sexual orientation, gender identity, and their Mormon faith and heritage and there is power in continuing to join together and listen to each other.

Sealed Envelope

A Letter to the Latter-day Saint Prophet: LGBT Policy Lacking in Love

April 16, 2019 |

Gay members needed to return to the closet and continue to live in dark places, unheard, unseen, or be banished to a life of celibacy. I cried and cried when I read this policy, and could not, nor do I still understand or accept such a policy.

Women and Non-Binary Stories from Around the Web

February 5, 2017 |

Welcome to stories of Queer Mormon Women and Non-Binary folks collected from around the web. You will find excerpts of the content within their respective categories, as well as links to the entire content.

LGBTQ/SSA Mormons Getting More Coverage on

October 26, 2016 |

While the absence of stories from those who have left the Church—who comprise the vast majority of LGBTQ+ Mormons—is conspicuous and unfortunate, we welcome the positive development of an improved website, expansion of resources, and emphasis on exercising love through family acceptance, outreach, and listening. We hope this resource will more deeply foster awareness and meaningful conversation.

Moving Forward

May 30, 2016 |

This woman, one day, on campus she put up a sign that said, “Be Brave.” She made it out of paper and yarn and stuff, and she put it up. I had no idea who had made it. She put up this sign that just happened to be on my bike ride onto campus. And she put it up right around the time of the policy. So the first time I saw it, I thought, “Wow. This is a message for me.”