LGBT Mormons
Affirmation Brazil is rolling up their sleeves to do something in their country to help these people. We are hosting a symposium and inviting other organizations helping the LGBT population on September 25th in São Paulo.
Getting married to a man was hard for my family, but they were really great. I invited all my siblings and even some of my extended family. That being said, I was selective about who I invited. I didn’t feel the need to invite people that I didn’t feel particularly close to or people that I felt wouldn’t be supportive or happy on the day. My parents were still on the fence about things a bit, I think, but they were willing to come to support me and now they love my husband a lot.
Wagner Silveira Santos is a convert to the Mormon Church who desired to serve a mission, tried to submit his mission paperwork twice, and both times was denied by local church leaders for having past homosexual relationships. Today, he wants to help others who don’t have the support to live as they really are.
Gay Mormon activist Peter Moosman joined the hosts of 3 Mormons, a Youtube channel on LDS beliefs, to discuss what being a gay Mormon is like. In this episode, Peter shares his activism, coming out, and some ideas on how the Church can be a more inclusive place for LGBT Mormons. Peter is best known for his “Hug a Gay Mormon” sign he holds outside of General Conference.
“United in Peace”, Chileans gathered for the last conference of Affirmation internationally, organized and held in the capital of Chile, Santiago. Conference attendees had the opportunity to participate in workshops, a devotional, a testimony meeting, and a leadership training focused on the needs of LGBT Mormons, their family, and friends in Chile. After fourteen years of having a presence there, Affirmation is alive and well in Chile.
What do we value more? Worshiping the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob; or ensuring that we conform to LDS Church policies? As LGBTQ+ Mormons, we know the importance of following the Spirit, even if that means shaking things up a bit.
I did not feel alone, I felt sustained and surrounded by the arms of love and that sincere people are willing to give us their support when we need it.
On July 28, 2017, an offer for the position of Executive Director was extended to and accepted by John Gustav-Wrathall. Gustav-Wrathall started in the position on August 12, 2017. Affirmation has already hired full-time webmasters for its Spanish- and Portuguese-language online content and web sites, and anticipates hiring an English language webmaster and an operations director or directors in coming months. These hires are needed in order to meet the needs of an organization that has experienced prodigious growth worldwide.
It’s not pleasant when you don’t fit in. And one of the ways we learn to cope is to sacrifice integrity. I suppose that we’ve all been guilty of a little deception in order not to be seen as different. Agreeing verbally with what everyone in the group is saying, when you really don’t believe it. Failing to speak up and say “That’s not right” when that would put you at odds with the majority. Going along with the pressure to conform. But self-deception turns out to be hard to bear and hard to maintain.