
Affirmation: LGBT Mormons, Families & Friends

Won’t Be Erased – We Affirm Our Transgender, Queer, and Intersex Siblings

October 25, 2018 |

Affirmation will continue to provide a place of safety and support for transgender, queer, and intersex people. We support this space where you can be fully authentic in your sexual, gender and spiritual diversity. You are worthy of respect and protection from discrimination. You are seen, you are needed, you are loved!

Blaire Ostler

I’m Not Going to Pretend I’m Anything Other Than What I Am: Mormon and Queer

September 25, 2018 |

For me, my sexual orientation and my Mormonism are paralleled in my struggles as a bisexual woman. I’ve felt pulled between two communities I love dearly. The truth is I can’t deny my Mormon identity, motivation, and beliefs any more than I could deny that I’m attracted to multiple genders.

Hombre mirándose al espejo

I Have Worth and I Live According to my Worth

July 1, 2018 |

Each of us needs to transition from confusion and discomfort to wholeness and peace, where we realize that our queerness is an intrinsic part of our worth and say, “I have worth,” and live according to that worth.