Black History Month Spotlight: Mourning Loss and Honoring Life

Our Beloved Affirmation Family,
As we open Black History Month – celebrated in several countries, including the United States – we mourn the death of another of our Black siblings, Tyre Nichols, at the hands of state violence. We hold our siblings of color in our hearts, minds, and arms right now, especially those in our intersectional community of Affirmation.
We condemn all anti-Black racism and violence and stand in solidarity with our Black siblings. We also honor the long history of Black resilience, strength, and power. As a queer organization, Affirmation would not exist without Black liberation movements and related political forces.
Likewise, we recognize our Black members worldwide who must defy governments as they declare their human rights as Black and Queer individuals. We honor your bravery, and your strength inspires us all. All our liberation is bound up in yours at every intersection you exist.
With deepest love, empathy, and solidarity,
Melissa Malcolm King, President
Francisco J. Ruiz, Senior-Vice President
Kate Mower, Vice President