Call for Candidates, 2024 Affirmation Special Presidential Election

Due to the resignation of the President of Affirmation, a new president must be elected. A special election is being held in accordance with our bylaws. When elected, the new president will serve the remainder of the current presidential term, which ends on December 31st, 2024. Candidate declarations must be submitted by February 2nd, 11:59 PM Mountain Time.
Candidates seeking election as President of Affirmation will be published in the Affirmation Messenger e-newsletter, on the Affirmation website, and on Affirmation’s social media.
The position of president is the only position in Affirmation elected by all voting members of the organization. The president appoints two vice presidents, and these three people form an Executive Committee that conducts the business of Affirmation along with the Board of Directors and a large expanded team of volunteers.
For more information, the complete election timeline, and form to submit candidate declarations, please visit the presidential election page.