Community Forum to Discuss Homelessness among Utah’s LGBT Youth

“Safe and Sound” Program to Be Launched in Ogden
January 2013
Venue: Pleasant Valley Library (5568 South Adams Avenue), Ogden, UT 84405
Date & Time: Tuesday, January 22 at 7:00 pm
It is well known that in Utah hundreds of homeless LGBT youth sleep on the streets, in abandoned buildings, in the canyons and in camps, hidden from view. Too often, LGBT youth are discarded by their family, told to “get out until you straighten up” or worse. About half of homeless LGBT youth are from Mormon families, kicked out for being gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender.
OUTreach Resource Center, with significant help and support from Mormons Building Bridges, announces a new program, Safe and Sound, to provide host homes for LGBT youth who need a place to stay, as well as help for families who want to stay together.
Join us at this community forum to learn more about the problem of homelessness in Utah, what the Safe and Sound host home program is all about, family acceptance and reunification, and how you can be a part of solving the problem of homeless youth in Utah.
For more information, visit this Facebook event page.