Living in Harmony

Leaders of Affirmation – LGBT Mormons, Families and Friends in Mexico are excited to host the Third Annual Conference of Affirmation Mexico, which will be held fromNovember 14 to 16 at El Ejecutivo Hotel in Colonia Juarez, Mexico City, Mexico. We will have national and international speakers including Randall Thacker, international president of Affirmation.
“Living in Harmony” is a conference planned for the LGBT community who are also members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints in Mexico. Participants will learn how to gain acceptance of their sexuality and gender identity, strenghten family bonds and learn how to build confidence through speeches, talks and activities to enhance their spiritual relationship with God and to live in harmony with their faith.
In addition to providing assistance in difficult situations we face, Affirmation conferences will provide opportunities of service, fun, friendship, personal enrichment and spiritual growth. The journey to self-discovery can be difficult, especially when we try to reconcile sexual orientation with our spiritual and cultural legacy from Mormonism. But thanks to Affirmation, we can find a safe space that fosters personal and spiritual growth of LGBT Mormons, their friends and families.
Friday – November 14th
- 4:00 – Registration Opens
- 6:00 – History, Values and Objectives of Affirmation & LGBT Mormons, Families & Friends in Mexico
- 8:00 – Strengthening our Ties Get-To-Know you Activities
Saturday – November 15th
- 8:00 – Registration / Reception
- 9:00 – Opening Program
- 9:30 – Session on You and Your Family
- 10:30 – Session on Self-Acceptance
- 11:30 – Session on You and the Church
- 12:30 -The Gay Men Chorus of Mexico City musical presentation
- 3:00 – Explore Historic Sites and City
- 7:00 – Talent Show, Keynote Speaker, New Spanish Video and Gala Dinner
Sunday – November 16th
- 10:00 – Testimony Meeting / Devotional
- 12:00 – Closing
Register here:
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