Search Results: mixed-orientation marriage

Family Hug

A Research-Based Discussion of the Following Four Important Questions

May 4, 2019 | Comments Off on A Research-Based Discussion of the Following Four Important Questions

Questions in regard to change, celibacy, and the feasibility for a gay person to successfully marry heterosexually or to be in a committed same-sex relationship are shown below. These are…

Audience Hands Up

Softened Hearts toward Wonderful Souls Deserving Unreserved Love

April 15, 2019 |

People in the Church are at least talking about an issue that for most of my life was taboo. LGBTQ people are increasingly being seen as the good people they are.

2018 Calendario

Affirmation’s Top 10 Posts of 2018

December 28, 2018 |

As we close out the year 2018, it’s a good time to reflect on all that’s happened over the year. This year’s top ten posts on the Affirmation website highlight many of the events and concerns affecting the Affirmation community this year, including the transition to a new Latter-day Saint First Presidency, a response to words out of general conference, a focus on suicide prevention, and more. Here are our top ten posts for 2018.


Living the Sabbath: The Etz Chayim/Tree of Life Synagogue Shootings

November 15, 2018 |

We are very much still in mourning, much like I imagine the early saints must have been upon learning that Joseph Smith lost his own life to a bullet. As difficult a time as this is, I am finding hope in my experiences with Affirmation.

Sarah Nicholson

I Do Remember That the Thought Kept Going through My Mind, “Where Do We Go from Here?”

September 17, 2018 |

I took a deep breath, sat down on the bed with my face to the wall and my back to my husband. He said something about my needing to hear him out and not overreact. I agreed, and finally, he said, “I am gay.”

Tom Christofferson on Mormon Stories Podcast

December 29, 2017 |

Tom Christofferson, friend and former board member of Affirmation, sat down with John Dehlin of Mormon Stories to discuss his book, That We May Be One: A Gay Mormon’s Perspective on Faith and Family. Over the course of this three-hour interview, Tom explores his experience, faith, and perspective on being LGBT and Mormon.

The Light of Our Truths

December 19, 2017 |

As LGBTQ+ Mormons, we are forced to seek out our own truths and make decisions about our faith and our lives that most Latter-day Saints do not have to make. The light and knowledge that we gain along the way may not lead us to take the same path, but perhaps the destination is the same.

How Far has the Mormon Church Come on Homosexuality Since 1981?

December 13, 2017 |

A recent release from Mormon Leaks reminded us of how local leaders in the Mormon Church were advised to address homosexuality and counsel gay and lesbian members in 1981. How much, if anything, has changed since then?

Affirmation – LGBT Mormons, Families & Friends Shares Its Perspective on Upcoming TLC Show, “My Husband’s Not Gay.”

January 9, 2015 |

We respect the right of all people to tell their own story. However, it is vital to point out that these stories belong to the couples who own them in their personal lives and should never be used to manipulate others into false hope or dictated life choices.