“Revisiting Nauvoo,” May 2-4, 2014: UPDATE!

The end of all our exploring
Will be to arrive where we started
And know the place for the first time.
-T.S. Elliot
LGBT Mormons, their Families and Friends are invited to a spiritual/leadership retreat in historic Nauvoo, IL, during May 2-4, 2014 (stay may be extended Thursday May 1 to Monday May 5). This retreat is not just for LGBT people, but for all those who desire to serve in the LGBT Mormon community.
Nauvoo was in my mission. It became the Palm Springs place to serve. Especially if you like church histrory! Has anyone looked into the cost of flying into Moline Ill? It is much closer than St. Louis, MO.
Kraig Stephens and Chris Doss