Submit Names and Photos for the International Conference In Memoriam

Over 30 years ago, with our community impacted by the AIDS epidemic, Affirmation began to dedicate a portion of its annual conference to remember those who we lost. Over the years, this portion of the conference in memoriam has expanded included anyone that those within the Affirmation community have lost, whether they were lost to HIV/AIDs, suicide, COVID-19, or otherwise. This is an opportunity for our community to stop, pause, say their name, and be collectively empowered by their memory.
If you would like to submit the name, and optionally a photo, of someone you want to be remembered during the conference’s in memorial program, please use this form to submit their name and photo. Their name will be shown on screen during the September 19 plenary session of the conference. All names must be submitted by September 17th.
Please do not forgot our US service members globally. Many may be part of the LGBQT community and some have made the ultimate sacrifice. These brave men and women not only serve and sacrifice for our personal liberties and freedoms, but have struggled against decades of internal prejudices and discrimination. They are committed to proudly serve their country. Lest we forgot their important journey for equality, inclusion and justice for all. Keep them in your prayers of protection especially those who serve in foreign lands. I know freedom is not free.