In this Time of Pain, We Stand Together

Life is precious and fragile. Each person on the planet is part of a human fabric that surrounds and clothes us with context, individual worth and identity. When a hate-driven attack occurs, it reminds us afresh of our human vulnerability and our need to reach out for inclusion and to embrace one another again in arms of love and safety.
The senseless violence that occurred this morning in Orlando increased the particular sense of vulnerability that LGBTQ+ people live with every day. The fact that the shooter’s father reported antagonism toward the LGBTQ+ community on the part of his son reminds us that to love who we love and to be who we are is seen by at least some as sufficient justification for these kinds of atrocities.
It is a reminder to all of us of the vital importance of the entire world community standing together against all forms of hatred and intolerance, to build a beloved community where none need fear being singled out because of who they are, because of how they worship, or because of whom they love.
We are grateful for the expressions of solidarity with the LGBTQ+ community we have already seen. We pray that in the coming days, people will continue to come together in ways that affirm that each life matters, that those so senselessly injured and murdered are indeed a vital part of our human family.
Each soul has made a life impression, each has loved and been loved, and each will be dearly lost from among us.
The Board of Affirmation: LGBT Mormons, Families & Friends
Blessings for you! I truly support LGBT people, many of my friends are LGBT too. I pray for you. And for people to finally understand you and appreciate you as any other people in the earth. Cause you are no different than anyone else and you should be respected and have equal rights.