Community Submissions

Two Degrees off Center: The Coming Out that Wasn’t

June 28, 2018 |

“Suddenly I was in a totally new world. Doors opened to new rooms I never realized I had. The lights came up, but I didn’t want it to end. I’d discovered something new about me that was an authentic part of who I was. I didn’t fully understand it yet, but I knew it would be a part of me and change my life forever.”

Dress Code Man Tying Tie

Two Degrees off Center: Dress Code

May 18, 2018 |

When did conformity become more important than the freedom that Christ paid for through his atoning sacrifice? What would Jesus say to those so wrapped up in the color of shirts worn to church? This month, Rich Keys shares some experiences and imaginings on these questions.

The Gay Horse in My Life

Two Degrees off Center: The Gay Horse in My Life

April 30, 2018 |

What does it really mean to bridle your passions? Is it merely avoiding what is preached as things you “shall not” do, or is there perhaps another way of bridling our passions that is more meaningful than staying away from the things we’re told we’ve been taught we shouldn’t do?

Two Degrees off Center: Following Your Yellow Brick Road

January 8, 2018 |

It is natural for LGBT Mormons to have questions. Most who engage with Affirmation have been through difficult times. This month, Rich encourages us to think about where we are on our journey, where we want to go, and if we’re willing to ask for directions from the One who is always there for us.

Two Degrees off Center: Hero Worship

December 6, 2017 |

There are millions of ordinary people living ordinary lives but hiding in the dark, afraid to come into the light. Each of us is on our own individual journey, and we need to respect everyone’s timetable. We can let our light shine for others who are waiting for the right moment to let their light as LGBT people shine.

Two Degrees off Center: WWHD

November 11, 2017 |

What do we value more? Worshiping the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob; or ensuring that we conform to LDS Church policies? As LGBTQ+ Mormons, we know the importance of following the Spirit, even if that means shaking things up a bit.

Presidential Candidates’ Answers to Questions

October 23, 2017 |

To help Affirmation members make a more informed decision about who to vote for in the upcoming presidential election, the candidates have each offered their answers to the following questions posed by Affirmation members and leaders

Dois Degraus fora do Centro

October 19, 2017 |

Eu mencionei o quanto a fala de Élder Oaks me feriu e citei muitos exemplos ao longo de sua palestra. Ele finalmente disse: “Eu também não gostei.” De repente, senti o fardo totalmente levantado de mim e substituído pela esperança.

Two Degrees off Center: Law and Disorder

October 16, 2017 |

I mentioned how much Elder Oaks’ talk hurt me and quoted many examples throughout his talk.  He finally said, “I didn’t like it either.”  Suddenly, I felt the burden totally lifted from me and replaced by hope.