Community Submissions

Christian Church

In God’s Name: The Treatment of Homosexuals by the Christian Church

March 23, 2010 |

by Terry Hiscox This article was pulled from internet archives and was originally published in 1998. Some edits and updates have been made to the original text. It’s possible information…

Man Tying Tie in Mirror

We See What We Believe: The Heterosexualization of Gay Men and Lesbians in the LDS Church

September 21, 2003 |

Rather than seeing in lesbians and gay men what you have been led to believe about them, talk to them, see them, hear them, love them, and believe what you see of them and their experiences. You will understand so much more.

Psychiatrist with Patient

Homosexuality: A Psychiatrist’s Response to LDS Social Services

September 5, 1998 |

Jeffery R. Jensen, M.D., originally presented this paper at the 1996 Sunstone Symposium. This text comes from his paper prepared at that time, which he re-presented to us on September 5, 1998.