Connect with the Affirmation Community

Affirmation LGBTQ Mormons, Families & Friends provides a community of support for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer Mormons and those that love and support them. All are welcome no matter where they are on the spectrums of sexual orientation, gender identity, faith, and relationship with The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. All experiences and stories are valued as we join together to navigate what it means to be LGBTQ and have a Mormon background or are members of the Church.
Ways to Connect with the Affirmation Community
Subscribe to Newsletter
The Affirmation Messenger, Affirmation's newsletter, is delivered to email inboxes regularly twice a month. In it, you'll find news and stories from Affirmation, articles from around the web relevant to the LGBTQ Mormon community, and upcoming Affirmation events. Newsletter subscribers may also receive from time to time special announcements or opportunities to support Affirmation's efforts to support LGBTQ Mormons around the world. Subscribe Now
Find Online Groups
On Facebook, there are a variety of Affirmation groups you may want to join to connect and engage with others based on your background, relationship with the Church, or where you live. Many of these groups are either closed or secret, meaning you can join without any of your friends or family on Facebook knowing you're a member, as we know it may be important for you to be able to connect with other LGBTQ Mormons prior to coming out. Find Online Groups
Find a Local Chapter
There are local Affirmation chapters around the world. These chapters host events throughout the year. These events are great opportunities for you to connect in-person with other LGBTQ Mormons and those that love them. There may also be opportunities for you to serve others in your local LGBTQ Mormon community by taking on a leadership role within your chapter. Find a Local Chapter
Become a Member of Affirmation
Members are the lifeblood of Affirmation. Membership in Affirmation is more than just paying dues and having voting privileges. It's a commitment to being an active, strategic, loving, visible support in places where we are needed by the most vulnerable in our community. As a member, you'll have opportunities to serve others in the Affirmation community as a leader while also ensuring that Affirmation is able to continue its life-changing and lifesaving work. Become a Member
Need More Information or Help Connecting with the Affirmation Community?
Send a Message to the Connect Team
Our Connect Team is standing by to help you best connect with the Affirmation community based on your background and current situation. Contact Us