Daily Beast Article on Being Gay at BYU

The Daily Beast describes what it’s like to be LGBT at BYU, including both progress made and challenges encountered:
“Out of all the people interviewed, [Adam] White had the most positive things to say about his experiences with the BYU administration—yet even he says he wouldn’t necessarily endorse the school as a good choice for LGBT Mormons. ‘I get asked by people who are LGBT Mormons, “Should I go to BYU?” I say, if you have a real passion for advocacy and you want to do real work and fight that uphill battle, come be with us. But, if that isn’t your cup of tea, if you feel you’re maybe too vulnerable right now, I would suggest going to another university.’ ”
Read the rest of the article here: http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2014/05/13/g-a-y-at-b-y-u.html