Journeys of Faith Exhibit Coming to Affirmation International Conference

Portrait Artist Melinda Hannah
The art exhibit “Journeys of Faith: Portraits of LGBTQ Mormons” is coming to the Affirmation International Conference.
Melinda is a portrait artist in Seattle, Washington seeking to reveal the innate beauty and dignity within each of us through art.
Growing up Mormon, she was very familiar with the Church’s position on LGBTQ people. At the same time, her own life was full of kind, gifted, and amazing people from many different walks of life, including the LGBTQ community. she came to appreciate our creator’s grand plan of diversity, and as the Church’s position seemed to grow more intolerant, she witnessed first-hand the pain it caused people she had grown to love as deeply as her own family.

Journeys of Faith: Portraits of LGBTQ Mormons Exhibit
The Policy Leak in November of 2015 was a turning point for Melinda. She could no longer be silent as an ally. As she heard the stories of pain, death, and the decimation of families—which are a cornerstone to our religion—she came to believe that the Policy was not inspired by the God she knew, who loved and cherished his LGBTQ children.
Through this art exhibit, Melinda seeks to open the hearts of those inside our religion who view others as “different,” and hopes to offer a pathway that helps all us love one another unconditionally—the same way she knows God loves each of us.
“I ask for your help to continue to grow this project, and join us on our journey, for it is most certainly one we all walk together.”
Please join Melinda Hannah at the Affirmation International Conference in Salt Lake City for her art exhibit “Journeys of Faith: Portraits of LGBTQ Mormons.”
Melinda will be creating a live painting of the conference throughout the weekend alongside her work. Her art exhibit will run from Friday 20th – Sunday 22nd July 2018 at the Salt Palace Convention Center.
The 2018 Affirmation Annual International Conference opens on July 20th and runs through July 22nd in Salt Lake City, Utah. Early bird tickets are available at $70 for individuals, $130 for couples, and $190 for families of three or more through June 1st. After the early bird deadline, tickets are $90 per person. For more information, the conference schedule, speaker and performer information, and to purchase tickets, visit