
Lesbian Mormon Identities: A Conversation with Jeanna Jacobsen

June 14, 2013 |

by Hugo Salinas Jeanna Jacobsen recently finished a dissertation titled “Mormon Women’s Experiences with Same-sex Sexuality.” A Ph.D. in social work, Jacobsen conducted interviews with 24 women who have experienced…

Affinity – June 2013

June 1, 2013 |

Affirmation: Gay & Lesbian Mormons—Serving LGBT Mormons and Their Family and Friends Since 1977 Inside This Issue Massive Participation of Mormons in Salt Lake City Pride Affirmation Calendar Affirmation Conference…

LGBT Mormons, Families and Friends Social in Washington DC

May 31, 2013 |

View Larger Map June 8, 7:00 – 10:00 PM at the Camden Roosevelt Join us after the Mormons for Equality Pride March for a social with other LGBT Mormons, family…

Survey to Focus on LDS Faith Crisis Stories

May 30, 2013 |

A group of friends and I are attempting to understand what is commonly referred to as the “faith crisis” in relation to the LDS Church.

LGBT Mormons, Families and Friends Unite to March in Pride Parades Worldwide

May 29, 2013 |

In 2012, history was made as unprecedented numbers of active Mormons marched in LGBT Pride parades in the United States and Latin America.

The Case of the Missing Lesbians

May 29, 2013 |

It’s hard to start conversations like this one when it feels like we, as a church, are so far behind in our own feminism. How can we discuss queer women’s issues before we eliminate sex shaming from Young Women lessons?

Community of Christ Decision Rooted in Joseph Smith’s Sacred Grove, Professor Says

May 28, 2013 |

Delegates “Inspired” to Affirm Same-Sex Marriage by Hugo Salinas A professor of American religion who is also a member of the Community of Christ says that church’s recent decision to marry…

LGBT Mormons, Allies Celebrate Boy Scouts’ New Inclusive Policy

May 27, 2013 |

Many LGBT Mormons, family members and allies expressed gratitude for the Boy Scouts’ May 23 decision to end their ban on gay youth—but they also expressed hope for the day when gay leaders will also be allowed to serve.

Teleconference on Healing Available

May 26, 2013 |

A 2-hour conference on healing is now available for downloading in MP3 format.