Request for Conference Planning Bids/Proposals

In recent years, the task of organizing the Affirmation Annual conference has been getting bigger and bigger. It has gotten to the point that it is too much for our 100% volunteer leadership team to take on by themselves.
This year the Board of Affirmation has decided to hire a professional event planner to help us with all the logistical aspects of conference planning, such as venue management, meals, registration, publicity, etc. We want our volunteers to be able to focus on the “fun stuff” that we really most need volunteer input in, related to the conference theme and content, choosing speakers, etc.
Before we go outside the Affirmation community in search of a professional event planner, we want to give Affirmation members — LGBT and/or allies — a chance to benefit from this contract work opportunity. We believe that a member of the Affirmation community who has skills and experience as an event planner, and who also understands our mission and has already experienced conference will be able to do a much better job for us than an outside contractor.
If you are interested in this opportunity, please notify me no later than midnight, Friday, March 10. You will be invited to submit a bid and proposal by Friday, March 17.
The Board will review the proposals and make a decision no later than the end of March.