Search Results: suicide

Collage de Afirmación 2018

3 Ways to Support Affirmation and Give the Gift of Hope

November 21, 2018 |

Our focus in 2019 will be on strengthening local communities and chapters by hiring 2 operations managers and providing increased funding for local chapter development. We need to raise $50,000 by the end of this year to make this goal a reality.

Nathan Kitchen

Nathan Kitchen Elected as the Next President of Affirmation

November 3, 2018 |

Prior to his election as president, Nathan served a member of Affirmation’s board of directors and is the co-founder of Fathers in Affirmation, the organization’s GBT+ group for fathers. Last year, he took on a leading role in helping to develop Affirmation’s suicide prevention initiative.

Mormones trans se rehusan a ser borrados

Trans Mormons Refuse to be Erased

November 3, 2018 |

We denounce any intention to erase rights and protections of transgender, queer, and intersex persons. We are sharing the voices of transgender individuals involved with Affirmation so that their voices are heard as no person must ever be threatened with erasure.

Afirmación Brasil organizó un simposio para la prevención del suicidio

October 26, 2018 |

Afirmación Brasil está trabjando para hacer algo en su país para ayudar a estas personas. Organizamos un simposio e invitamos a otras organizaciones que ayudan a la población LGBT el 25 de septiembre en São Paulo.

Sarah Nicholson

I Do Remember That the Thought Kept Going through My Mind, “Where Do We Go from Here?”

September 17, 2018 |

I took a deep breath, sat down on the bed with my face to the wall and my back to my husband. He said something about my needing to hear him out and not overreact. I agreed, and finally, he said, “I am gay.”

Nathan Kitchen

Nathan Kitchen – Presidential Candidate Statement

August 26, 2018 |

As president of Affirmation, I want to see Affirmation flourish with a brightness of hope that will illuminate the most vulnerable in the LDS LGBTQ+ community. I want to see a robust network of supportive communities within Affirmation available for those who have made or are making their own reconciliation journey, where ever you are (or are not) on the faith spectrum.

Become a Member of Affirmation

August 23, 2018 | Comments Off on Become a Member of Affirmation

Being a member of Affirmation is more than just paying dues and having voting privileges. It’s a commitment to being an active, strategic, loving, visible support in places where we…

Cristina Moraes 2018 Conferencia Internacional

Fighting for a Place in the Sun as LGBTQ Mormons

July 28, 2018 |

Our time here has a purpose. You were born LGBT. You were born to lead and fight for this cause, and that is our privilege. We want to have the opportunity to prove that we are worthy and enlightened as members of the LGBT community and as members of the LGBT Mormon community.

Dani Jones 2018 Conferencia Internacional

Following Where Life Pulls Us: Becoming the Person We Want to Be

July 27, 2018 |

What do we truly want? What does God want us to be? If we are not honest with ourselves on this journey, we risk losing our very worth. If we deny another’s chance to live honestly, we put them in danger. Follow wherever life pulls you; whether you believe that pull is from God or from your own intuition, just follow it.