Search Results: suicide
Over 70 members of the Affirmation community signed on Sunday, February 17th, to participate in a web conference detailing Affirmation’s efforts to organize and strengthen chapters throughout the United States and Canada to provide vital face-to-face communities to support LGBTQ Mormons, their family members, and friends.
In this time of division, remember that you have one another as a loving and supportive community. When you stand together in Affirmation as LGBTQ Mormons, family, and friends you have the opportunity to bear one another’s burdens, mourn with those who mourn, and comfort those who are affected by these dark days in Brazil.
Community not only provides a sounding board where individuals can work through the difficult questions they face in figuring out how to navigate coming out, faith, and family; but continues to provide long-lasting networks and resources even beyond the vulnerable times.
As we close out the year 2018, it’s a good time to reflect on all that’s happened over the year. This year’s top ten posts on the Affirmation website highlight many of the events and concerns affecting the Affirmation community this year, including the transition to a new Latter-day Saint First Presidency, a response to words out of general conference, a focus on suicide prevention, and more. Here are our top ten posts for 2018.
Our focus in 2019 will be on strengthening local communities and chapters by hiring 2 operations managers and providing increased funding for local chapter development. We need to raise $50,000 by the end of this year to make this goal a reality.
Prior to his election as president, Nathan served a member of Affirmation’s board of directors and is the co-founder of Fathers in Affirmation, the organization’s GBT+ group for fathers. Last year, he took on a leading role in helping to develop Affirmation’s suicide prevention initiative.
We denounce any intention to erase rights and protections of transgender, queer, and intersex persons. We are sharing the voices of transgender individuals involved with Affirmation so that their voices are heard as no person must ever be threatened with erasure.
Afirmación Brasil está trabjando para hacer algo en su país para ayudar a estas personas. Organizamos un simposio e invitamos a otras organizaciones que ayudan a la población LGBT el 25 de septiembre en São Paulo.
I took a deep breath, sat down on the bed with my face to the wall and my back to my husband. He said something about my needing to hear him out and not overreact. I agreed, and finally, he said, “I am gay.”