Affirmation Annual International Conference 2017 – Mark Your Calendars!

Planning for the Affirmation Annual International Conference for 2017 has been under way for some time, and a very exciting program is shaping up!
2017 is a special year for Affirmation, as it marks the 40th anniversary since a small group of LGBT students at BYU first gathered to provide mutual support, as they sought a way forward honoring both their faith as Latter-day Saints and their sense of themselves as queer. We are planning a program that will honor the forty years of Affirmation that ensued from that revolutionary act.
The conference will gather LGBT Mormons, their families and friends from around the world, SEPTEMBER 22-24, 2017, at the UTAH VALLEY CONVENTION CENTER, 220 West Center Street, Provo, UT 84601. Reserve the date in your calendars!
As in previous years, we will have a YOUTH PROGRAM (14-20) and a PARENTS/ALLIES PROGRAM, as well as wealth of workshops, artistic presentations and dynamic key note speakers for every member of the LGBTQIA+ Mormon community.
Early registration is now open! You can take advantage of our generous early bird registration prices now by registering here!
Stay tuned for more details as planning advances, by indicating you are interested or attending our Facebook Event!
See you in September!