Compassionate Cause Symposium to Be Held in Seattle

Call for Papers/Presentations
With the theme, “Deepening the Conversation on Gays in the Church,” the 2013 Compassionate Cause Symposium is tentatively scheduled for August 16-17, 2013 at the University of Washington Campus in Seattle, Washington (Please note new dates).
Compassionate Cause seeks honest dialogue on issues facing gay men and women associated with the Church. This second symposium seeks to explore and examine issues between faith and homosexuality within the Church.
The Symposium aims to:
- Create a safe space for compassionate dialogue on gay-related issues in the Church
- Educate members on issues facing gay men and women in the Church
- Discuss potential paths to reconciliation.
This symposium will consist of two parts:
Day 1: Mini-consortia exploring and examining the “gay question” in the Church drawn from submissions
Day 2: A keynote speaker (to be announced) and panels drawn from submissions.
Call for papers, presentations, panels, and personal narratives (stories)
Topics include (but not limited to):
Other topics are encouraged.
Please submit a 300 word abstract by May 30, 2013 to compassionatecause (at) gmail (dot) com
For more information, visit