For the First Time, a Woman Prays in General Conference

Tina Richerson: “It Gives Me Courage to See Members of the Church Advocating for Change”
by Hugo Salinas
For the first time in church history, a woman has been asked to pray in general conference. Jean A. Stevens, first counselor in the Primary General Presidency, gave the benediction at the conclusion of the Saturday morning session.
“I had the great privilege of attending the first session of conference where a woman was invited to pray,” says Affirmation vice president Tina Richerson. “This was a real treat to me as I was involved in the letter writing campaign to the Church asking for a woman to offer a prayer in Conference. It gives me courage to see members of the church advocating for change, and church officials who are listening and responding.
“I have hope that the more members of the church continue to advocate for change, that these changes will take place,” Tina added. “I have hope that one day the church will accept and include the LGBTQ community as active members of the church. We just need a lot more activism from the ground up!”
Last January, Mormons started an online petition asking LDS leaders “that women be invited to pray in General Conference, as a symbol of equality within our church.”