Ignore Those Shouting from the ‘Great and Spacious Building’

Nathan Kitchen
by Joel McDonald
Affirmation President Nathan Kitchen had a commentary published by the Salt Lake Tribune on May 4th, 2019, titled Commentary: Ignore those shouting from the ‘great and spacious building.’ Kitchen’s words are a reaction to the negative online comments being made in response to Matt Easton’s convocation address at Brigham Young University where Easton came out to his entire school saying he was “proud to be a gay son of God.”
Kitchen wrote:
As news outlets reported this event, the social media comments began. While many were positive, a great many were shockingly mean and exclusionary. I won’t highlight the nasty remarks, but they came in waves from the Facebook sites of the Deseret News, LDS Living, the Daily Herald, and other publications along the Wasatch Front.
These commenters are our friends and neighbors. And, regrettably, on social media, these friends and neighbors pointed their fingers and mocked a young gay valedictorian, just because he delivered a BYU-approved speech at his commencement. It was a surreal moment as the comment sections became a “great and spacious building,” as spoken of in Lehi’s vision in the Book of Mormon, full of detractors scoffing at LGBTQ members of the church pressing onward towards the tree of life.
Inclusive homes know just as much as Lehi did that the love of God is desirable above all other fruit. These families are no longer persuaded to leave their LGBTQ children and siblings behind. And as they press forward together, the sad commentary is that they are met with self-righteous and snide remarks flung from a foundationless gallery of cowardly spectators.
Read Nathan Kitchen’s full commentary on the Salt Lake Tribune.
So proud of Matt.
I had not read the negative letters in the news papers. Perhaps it was best that I did not, for I was, instead, celebrating the brave statement that Matt Easton had made at his graduation… and with the approval of BYU ! Reading such negative comments would have diminished my joy. Today was fast and testimony meeting. Because I am excommunicated I obtained special permission from my Stake President and Bishop to give my testimony during Sacrament Meeting. On the occasion when I give my testimony, I always pray that I will be blessed to not offend others or say improper things, as I do not want to lose the privilege that has been offered to me. However, with the reversal of the policy at conference, and Matt Easton’s brave announcement… I strongly bore my testimony of the fight those of us who are gay have had to endure to keep their faith through so many changes in policy… but keeping our faith was a precious gift that money could not buy.,, and it was worth fighting for. I do not think those who made negative comments realize how difficult it is for the few of us who keep attending church each Sunday. Christ’s message was to love ALL of HIS children… and I am thankful that the first presidency has progressed to the point that they recognize the urgency for ALL members to be welcoming and loving to EVERYONE. What a shame some have not learned to follow our leaders on this important and essential teaching of Jesus Christ. LOVE ONE ANOTHER!