Mormon Pride in Boise: LeRoy Fiscus’s Prayer
“We pray that all of us will be able to live in a world free from discrimination!”
Along with two pastors, LeRoy Fiscus was asked to participate in a three-part prayer during the rally held on June 22 on the steps of the Idaho Capitol as part of the Boise Pride events. LeRoy said this as he offered the final portion of the prayer:
We pray that we all can go to ANY Church, ANY congregation, ANY temple, synagogue, mosque, ALL PLACES OF WORSHIP without being told to leave. We pray that we all will be able to sit at our family’s dinner table and eat a meal with our family while being fully accepted! We pray that one day we all can freely adopt children, that we can publicly love and marry the one person who each of us wants to spend the rest of our life with, without fearing the awful bite of hate.
We pray that we can work together in one body as allies, gay men, lesbian women, transgender and bisexual people to change our world, its societies and the cultures that try to stop us from progressing forward in being recognized by everyone as human. We pray that all of us will be able to live in a world free from discrimination!