Mormons to Rally for Nondiscrimination

March 12 at 5:00 pm at the Utah Capitol
A group of faithful Latter-day Saints will gather at the south steps of the Utah Capitol on March 12 to rally in support of nondiscrimination. The event is being organized by Spencer W. Clark, executive director of Mormons for Equality, and other Mormons who want Utah to pass legislation against discrimination.
“This is a faith-based family event for members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints to show our Mormon values of pure, unconditional love and inclusion,” the rally announcement reads. “We support nondiscrimination in our state, and believe that as disciples of Christ we must protect the most vulnerable among us.
“We will gather under the American flag at the south Capitol steps respectfully as families with children and strollers, wearing our Sunday best, carrying signs with the words of the Prophets, scriptures, and our Mormon hymns and songs.”
4:00 p.m.: Setup
5:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.: Event; speakers TBD
Opening Prayer
Opening Hymn: Come, Come Ye Saints, #30
Children’s Chorus: “I’m Trying to Be Like Jesus”; parents, please accompany your primary-aged children who would like to join in to the top of the steps to sing before the assembly
Slow march from the Capitol steps to the promenade and back
Closing Hymn: God Be With You Till We Meet Again, #152
Closing Prayer
This is one of several Mormon groups supporting an anti-discrimination bill currently under discussion at the Utah Capitol. Mormons Building Bridges has also issued a statement in support of a statewide anti-discrimination bill. In November 2009, the LDS Church endorsed an employment and housing non-discrimination act in Salt Lake City which was the model for similar ordinances passed by 15 cities across Utah.
For more information about this event and ideas for signs, visit the group’s Facebook invitation.