
Dustin Lance Blac

Dustin Lance Black to be Interviewed by Blaire Ostler at Affirmation International Conference

September 6, 2020 |

The highlight of the September 26th opening session of the Affirmation International Conference is sure to be an interview of Academy Award® winning filmmaker, writer, and social activist Dustin Lance Black by Blaire Ostler.


Two Degrees off Center: Oh Say, What is Truthiness?

August 31, 2020 |

Whether the wrath of the storm-crossed sea, or demons or men or whatever it be, we’re looking for something, anything, to hold onto these days—an anchor or two that will hold the ship of state steady rather than trying to pull it apart, and to do it with facts that come from a credible source.

Affirmation: LGBT Mormons, Families & Friends

2020 Call for Candidates & Presidential Election Plan

August 12, 2020 |

With this year’s Affirmation International Conference rapidly approaching, it is time for Affirmation members seeking to be candidates in this year’s Affirmation presidential election to declare their candidacy.

Carol Lynn Pearson

Carol Lynn Pearson to Keynote Affirmation International Conference

August 7, 2020 |

Carol Lynn Pearson has a long and impressive history as a writer, speaker and performer. She is particularly known for her advocacy of LGBTQ people in the church. Her memoir Goodbye, I Love You tells the story of her temple marriage to a gay man, their ultimate divorce, and her husband Gerald’s death from AIDS.

2019 Session of Affirmation International Conference

Affirmation Membership Approves New Mission and Vision

August 7, 2020 |

From July 8th to July 22nd, members of Affirmation had the opportunity to review these recommendations and vote on whether to make the changes to Affirmation’s Charter & Bylaws. Over 98% voted to approve.

Collage de Afirmación 2018

Affirmation Leadership Updates for July 2020

July 28, 2020 |

Affirmation is pleased to announce the appointment or election of the following leaders of their respective regions, chapters, and Affinity Groups.

Nathan Kitchen Guest on Dialogue Gospel Study

July 27, 2020 |

Dialogue: A Journal of Mormon Thought is an independent quarterly established to express Mormon culture and to examine the relevance of religion to secular life.

Affirmation LIVE Monthly Virtual Fireside with Sarah Bowers and Paul Cardall

July 27, 2020 |

On Sunday, July 26th, we hosted our Affirmation LIVE monthly virtual fireside with guest speaker Sarah Bowers and musical guest Paul Cardall.

Ron y Sue Raynes Afirmación 2019 Conferencia Internacional Premio Mortensen

Mortensen Award Call for Nominations – 2020

July 12, 2020 |

This award is named in honor of Paul Mortensen, the first to receive it and one of the founders of Affirmation, and is the highest honor Affirmation can bestow upon an individual member. We call upon all members and supporters of Affirmation to nominate worthy candidates for this award for 2020.