Search Results: BYU

Pillars of my Faith

August 16, 2014 |

The great temptation in my life has been to prematurely resolve the great problems quickly and easily in one direction or another. But there have been profound moments in my life when I have been forced to acknowledge, like Moses, “Now, for this cause I know that man is nothing, which thing I never had supposed.”

Preparándonos para la Conferencia

August 14, 2014 |

Discurso dado por Tom Christofferson, miembro de la mesa directiva de Afirmación en una Charla Fogonera de Afirmación, Ciudad de Lago Salado, Abril 4 de 2014 Nos reunimos todos en…

Affirmation at LA Pride

June 26, 2014 |

A special light came into the eyes of men and women who had once been close to the church but had distanced themselves because of the pain, when they read our sign and realized who we were. It was beautiful to listen to their stories, share ours, and express our love for them.

Between Black and White

June 14, 2014 |

Thankfully, I have been able to accept that being a lesbian was somehow part of the plan, and in many ways I am thankful this is part of my experience in my daily life.

Navigating Unchartered Territory

May 31, 2014 |

Talk given by Randall Thacker May 3, 2014 on the banks of the Mississippi River: We stand today at the point of departure where the Saints left Nauvoo and went West into in many ways unknown territory. Yes, there was some charted territory and maps and things, but into an unknown future. I remember when I first came out. I was so afraid of that unknown future, and what it meant for me, my family and my faith. And I know many of you here have gone through that point in life… or maybe are going through it today.

The Affirmation LDS AIDS Memorial Quilt

May 24, 2014 |

Some were bittersweet requests, like, “Please tell me more about my uncle, father, brother, mission companion, BYU roommate…”

I Knew It, and I Knew God Knew It

May 17, 2014 |

I do not pretend to know what will happen in my future. But I do know I am living a life that meets spiritual needs congruent with the gay Mormon that I am. I do not expect special favors, or drastic changes in the Church for me to walk this path.

Transcription of April 2014 Affirmation Post General Conference Discussion

April 27, 2014 |

Speakers: Berta Marquez, Bob Rees, Erika Munson, Greg Prince, John Gustav-Wrathall, Randall Thacker, Samy Galvez

Standing Before God

April 13, 2014 |

I look back with fondness and gratitude on my time as a Latter-day Saint. I honor the many wonderful experiences I had then and look ahead to even greater times of joy in my life to come.