Search Results: BYU

La relación entre la Iglesia mormona y Afirmación: «Es complicado»

La relación entre la Iglesia mormona y Afirmación: «Es complicado»

August 7, 2019 |

Desde el principio, Afirmación ha sido una comunidad que incluye todas las voces y puntos de vista de aquellos en la encrucijada de la orientación sexual, la identidad de género, y su fe y herencia mormona, y existe el poder en seguir unidos y escuchándonos mutuamente.

Boy Sitting Head Down Depressed

Two Degrees off Center: Coming Out of the Other Closet

July 24, 2019 |

It can take as much or even more courage to seek help for depression, anxiety, or trauma as it does to come out as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, or queer. There is help though, and Rich Keys encourages anyone to seek it by sharing his own struggles and successes.

La relación entre la Iglesia mormona y Afirmación: «Es complicado»

The Mormon and Affirmation Relationship: It’s Complicated

July 22, 2019 |

From the beginning, Affirmation has been a community inclusive of all voices and viewpoints from those at the crossroads of sexual orientation, gender identity, and their Mormon faith and heritage and there is power in continuing to join together and listen to each other.

Nathan Kitchen

Ignore os gritos do “Grande e espaçoso edifício”

May 14, 2019 |

Lamentavelmente, nas mídias sociais, esses amigos e vizinhos apontaram seus dedos e zombaram de um jovem orador da turma gay, só porque ele fez um discurso aprovado pela BYU em seu início. Foi um momento surreal quando as seções de comentários se tornaram um “edifício grande e espaçoso”, conforme mencionado na visão de Leí no Livro de Mórmon, repleta de detratores zombando de membros LGBT da igreja que se dirigiam para a árvore da vida.

Nathan Kitchen

Ignore Those Shouting from the ‘Great and Spacious Building’

May 5, 2019 |

Regrettably, on social media, these friends and neighbors pointed their fingers and mocked a young gay valedictorian, just because he delivered a BYU-approved speech at his commencement. It was a surreal moment as the comment sections became a “great and spacious building,” as spoken of in Lehi’s vision in the Book of Mormon, full of detractors scoffing at LGBTQ members of the church pressing onward towards the tree of life.

Family Hug

A Research-Based Discussion of the Following Four Important Questions

May 4, 2019 | Comments Off on A Research-Based Discussion of the Following Four Important Questions

Questions in regard to change, celibacy, and the feasibility for a gay person to successfully marry heterosexually or to be in a committed same-sex relationship are shown below. These are…

Family Hug

How Can I Protect My Child?

May 3, 2019 | Comments Off on How Can I Protect My Child?

Keeping Your Child Healthy and Happy Before you read anything else, you need to know about the real dangers gay teens/young adults face, including suicide, drug use, and diseases. You…


Two Degrees off Center: The Fear of One

May 2, 2019 |

If you attend the Affirmation International Conference next month, find a stranger and get to know them. It may be the only time each year they can be who they really are in front of others…and you’ll leave with a greater love for your fellow man, whoever or wherever they may be.

Sealed Envelope

A Letter to the Latter-day Saint Prophet: LGBT Policy Lacking in Love

April 16, 2019 |

Gay members needed to return to the closet and continue to live in dark places, unheard, unseen, or be banished to a life of celibacy. I cried and cried when I read this policy, and could not, nor do I still understand or accept such a policy.