Search Results: BYU

BYU Valedictorian: ‘Estoy orgulloso de ser un Hijo de Dios Gay’

May 7, 2019 |

Fue en estos momentos tranquilos de dolor y confusión que sentí otro triunfo: el de llegar a un acuerdo, no con quien pensé que debía ser, sino con quién me hizo el Señor.

BYU Valedictorian: ‘I am Proud to be a Gay Son of God’

April 27, 2019 |

It was in these quiet moments of pain and confusion that I felt another triumph: That of coming to terms, not with who I thought I should be, but who the Lord has made me to be.

Samantha Allen Real Queer America

Former BYU Student Samatha Allen Shares Stories of LGBTQ Americans in Conservative States

March 6, 2019 |

Samantha Allen toured some of the most conservative states in the US to collect and share the stories of the LGBTQ Americans who live there. She’s now published this collection of stories in her new book.

El elder M. Russell Ballard responde a preguntas sobre la comunidad LGBT en devocional de BYU

November 18, 2017 |

Durante un devocional de BYU llevado a cabo este 14 de noviembre de 2017, el élder M. Russell Ballard, miembro del Quórum de los Doce Apóstoles de La Iglesia de Jesucristo de los Santos de los Últimos Días, aprovechó la oportunidad para responder varias preguntas que le presentaron antes de su charla jóvenes miembros adultos solteros de la Iglesia, incluyendo dos preguntas sobre la problemática LGBT. Ballard compartió su convicción de que las personas LGBT tienen un «lugar en el Reino de Dios»

Élder M. Russell Ballard Aborda Tópicos Como; Membros LGBT, Suicídio e compartilha conselhos com alunos da BYU

November 15, 2017 |

Por Marianne Holman Prescott Tradução: Luiz Correa     Segue abaixo, alguns tópicos importantes, dito pelo Élder Ballard aos estudantes da BYU.   PROVO, Utah – Ao abordar as questões…

Elder M. Russell Ballard Answers LGBT Questions at BYU Devotional: Believes there is “Place in the Kingdom” for LGBT Members

November 14, 2017 |

During a BYU Devotional Address on November 14, 2017, Elder M. Russell Ballard, a member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, took the opportunity to answer various questions submitted to him by young single adult members of the Church, including two questions on LGBT issues. Ballard shared his belief that LGBT people have a “place in the kingdom.”


August 18, 2017 |

USGA (Entendendo a atração pelo mesmo sexo, Entendendo  a Atração pelo mesmo Gênero em Inglês) é um grupo não oficial de estudantes e acadêmicos na Universidade Brigham Young – Idaho…

I Need Him Too – BYU USGA Shares an Important Video

April 14, 2015 |

I Need Him Too is intended to remind BYU students, Mormons, and people everywhere, that just because someone is lesbian, gay, bisexual, trasngender, queer, or same-sex attracted, does not mean they can’t be spiritual, Mormon, a member of the Church, or believe in God and Jesus Christ. In the war of rhetoric and emotions over same-sex marriage, and anti-discrimination and religious rights legislation, what is too often lost is the reality that there are people in the middle. Real people. With hopes and dreams just like you. This is not “us” verses “them.”

Daily Beast Article on Being Gay at BYU

May 14, 2014 |

The Daily Beast describes what it’s like to be LGBT at BYU, including both progress made and challenges encountered.