Carson Tueller
In the documentary, Carson shares his and his Mormon family’s journey, culminating with him, his mother, and other members of his family marching with Affirmation in the 2018 Salt Lake City Pride parade.
Some of us may find Christmastime to be faith-affirming, while others may be struggling to define or understand their spiritual identities. As we find ourselves in the midst of Holiday celebration, it is my wish that each of us be gentle with ourselves in our processes.
Previous to accepting the invitation to serve as vice president, Laurie served as a powerful and indispensable member of Affirmation’s Board of Directors. She served as the head of our governance committee, consistently bringing insight and organizational prowess to Affirmation’s leadership team
As general conference approaches, Affirmation President Carson Tueller shares his belief that God wants us to find and be our whole selves, and that includes embracing ourselves as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer people.
Affirmation President Carson Tueller will be speaking at this Pre-General Conference Fireside and Live Stream. A musical number will be performed by Aimee Olsen. Refreshments provided on location. Live stream details…
We wish to express that as LGBTQ individuals, we experience love most fully when our agency is honored, when our stories are heard and believed, and when the language we use to identify ourselves is used and respected. We in Affirmation extend a hand of collaboration to help meet the diverse needs of the members of the LDS church.
Os resultados das eleições presidenciais da Afirmação foram certificados em 20 de novembro pelo comitê eleitoral. Carson Tueller recebeu a maioria dos votos e será o próximo presidente da Afirmação. Tueller, estudante universitário de meio período e instrutor privado de música independente, servirá como um mandato de um ano a partir de 1º de janeiro de 2018. O Conselho da Afirmação se reunirá em breve para também certificar os resultados das eleições e confirmar as opções de vice-presidência de Carson .
The results of the Affirmation presidential election were certified November 20th by the election committee. Carson Tueller received the majority of votes and will be the next president of Affirmation. Tueller, a part-time university student and self-employed private music instructor, will serve as a one-year term starting on January 1st, 2018. The Affirmation Board will meet shortly to also certify the election results and to confirm Carson’s vice presidential choices.