You Are Not Alone

by Luiz Correa
How many times have you felt alone in the world? How many times have you been lonely while standing in the middle of a crowd? Often, we feel the crushing weight of loneliness on our hearts, no matter where we are of who we are with. With this loneliness comes fragility and frustration. The difficulties in our lives become amplified. The only thing we can see are those things that did not happen the way we wanted them to happen or dreams that did not come true. When this is our focus, unhappiness prevails.
Happiness, though, is a state of mind with many variables. Some of these variables are directly related to what we are doing and achieving in our journies here on Earth. Our happiness is related to how fulfilled we are with our lives. How can we reach this fullness? How can we make our days happier and be more fulfilled?
To begin, we need to focus on the here and now, and, in this moment, try to accomplish one thing toward our being fulfilled. It is not possible to do all things and solve all the problems in our lives at once. We need to seek patience. We need to prioritize. We need to focus on what must be done in the immediate moment rather than be burdened by all that must be done in our lives.
Often, our happiness feels impossible to achieve. We look at all that must be done, and even what must be done at this moment, and can not find the strength to do what we must. Alone, our desire to be happy and fulfilled seems futile. However, there is no harm in reaching out for help and seeking someone to support us in our time of need, when we feel we don’t have the strength to go on and to encourage us when happiness feels so far out of reach.
For those who believe, we can seek strength in a Supreme Being. For Latter-day Saints, that being is our Heavenly Father. However, for those who have felt targeted with disapproval while sitting in church meetings and classes because of their sexual orientation or gender identity, it is easy to forget that our Heavenly Father has not abandoned us. He loves us unconditionally, regardless of our being straight, gay, lesbian, bisexual, cisgender, transgender, or queer.
To reach our happiness we have the help of our Divine Father and to not feel alone we can find someone who supports us or a group where we can feel good. The Affirmation is this group where you can lean, it is where we find people like us who seek happiness knowing that we are all beloved children of Heavenly Father, where the look at the other is of equality regardless of their sexual or religious orientation.
We can also seek out others who love and support us as unconditionally as our Heavenly Father does. Affirmation is such a group where you can find this support. Within this community, you will find others like you who are also seeking happiness and fulfillment; where many share the belief that we are all beloved children of our Heavenly Father and where we all love and support each other regardless of each other’s sexual orientation, gender identity, faith, or relationship with the Church.
You are not alone.