Affirmation On-Line Community Forum to Discuss Impact of the November 2015 LDS Policy Change

Whether or not individuals’ personal lives were directly affected by the LDS Church’s November 2015 policy changes, the fact of the policy change, and the way in which the policy change was released, had a tremendous emotional, spiritual and social impact on LGBT Mormons, their families and friends throughout the world.
In September and October 2016, Affirmation distributed an on-line survey to attempt to get a fuller picture of the nature and depth of that impact so that we as an organization could more effectively serve our community. Ultimately, over 900 complete survey responses were received.
On Saturday, November 5, 2016, at 7:00 p.m. Mountain Time, Affirmation will be holding an on-line community forum, where we will present the findings of the survey. A panel representing different voices and perspectives in the LGBTQ+ community, and the fields of pastoral ministry, counseling/therapy, and LGBT Mormon history.
Join the Facebook event for updates!